Very OLD

Because its been too long without one, a blog! 09/16/05


Well now. What to say. Hmmm.

Autumn's almost here! Thats good. Fall. Falling temeratures, falling leaves, withering grass, the season where everything is dying.

Ah, good stuff. I'll finally be able to wear my long coat again. I love that thing. I've worn it to death practically, but its such a great coat. Its not too warm in the heat, not too cool in the cold, and it cranks up my passive intimidation level up about 11 points. It's great.

Authoritative types start stopping me randomly because I look threatening. I also start scaring old friends of mine! Scary scary scary. Then of course, people tell me, "Oh, your not scary, no, not at all." Yeah, well make up your minds, I'm just more than a little fed up with this wishy washy impression I'm giving off.

Anyways, autumn + falling temperatures + long coat = good times. Remember that. There's a quiz later. This will be on the final.

If you feel a need to contact me, just Email Me

One of these days 07/15/05


I'll keep my update promises. But at least the story continues!

So. Summertime. Hot, slow, and boring for the most part. Yeah you can do things outside but, c'mon, who does that? The beach? The park? Sporting events? Concerts. Pish tosh.

I can't wait for the fall. Yes, Autumn, when everything is dieing. The ground covered by decaying plant matter. Followed by Winter! Glorious season of coldness and heavy garment wearing. Yes!

But for now, endure the heat and the humidity, and the slavering insects just waiting to drain your life-juice from you. All that waiting right outside.

For more insights into my goings on, visit my Live Journal

Or if you feel a need to contact the writer, just Email Me

A Long Time in Coming 05/13/05


Bet you thought you'd never see this spot updated ever again, did ya? Well despite many efforts to the contrary, I am not dead and still working back up to our illustrious artist.

If you've been following this arc since its inception last summer, we're almost done. I know, but this, like all things, will come to an end. And hey, if you didn't like it, its nearly ovah!

Which means more overtime hours, script writing, rewrites, and more rewrites to get everything in place for upcoming stories! Hoolay! Oh, and maybe I'll update this spot more often then once every three months.

For more insights into my goings on, visit my Live Journal

Or if you feel a need to contact the writer, just Email Me

Tune in next time 02/11/05


Hope this brief recap of the highlights of the past few months brings everyone up to speed. I honestly don't think that many people were lost, but I kept hearing that some of you were geniunely confused with the plot.

Make sure to come back all weekend, as a slew of specials and public service announcements will be posted on Saturday and Sunday. Featuring an in-depth look at the operating ablities of Shiden's army of robot girls and a brief history lesson on the night that changed Kate's and many other's lives forever.

And if you're still reading this, I hereby promise to return some of the funny to this comic that probably hooked you in the first place. Not over-the-top wacky or random nonsensical stuff, but some good, honest humor. Funny and me are like total strangers but I will find a way to bring back a chuckle.

For more insights into my goings on, visit my Live Journal

Or if you feel a need to contact the writer, just Email Me

Indicate before turning. 01/28/05


Shameless plug time. New to our links section is a link to a very funny and great web comic, Turn Signals on a Land Raider. Its a comic from the perspective of game pieces in the table top strategy game Warhammer 40,000.

More than that, its drawn by none other than a fellow Gloucester, VA gamer who frequents the same game store myself and Phil would visit often, Imperial Outpost 17. Its a small world, as they say. So if you like funnies about tabletop gaming, go have a look.

I nother news, technology continues to rebel against me. More on this story as it develops.

For more insights into my goings on, visit my Live Journal

Or if you feel a need to contact the writer, just Email Me

The Devil take this hot weather!!! 01/22/05


Have I mentioned I dislike the heat? Well I do. A lot. And where do I live. %&$*#@^ Florida!!

One day, I will leave this cursed land for cooler climes up north, where in certain seasons, your breath magically becomes visible in the air, and sometimes a mysterious substance known as 'snohe' gently falls out of the sky and blankets the landscape in white. Ah, how I've dreamed for such a day to return.

As I am writing this, my Weather Bug informs me it is currently over 72 degrees outside. %&$*!

Its not just that its hot, but inevitibly its humid, and you can hardly breathe, and the sun is crisping your exposed flesh, and, and....Grr!

This is probably the root of my dress code. Black. Everything as dark as possible covering most of my body to block out that cancerous death ball in the sky. I just need a fancy hat and I'm set for life.

For more insights into my goings on, visit my Live Journal

Or if you feel a need to contact the writer, just Email Me


Reset cyclic solar event 1/10/05


Happy belated new year everyone. Yeah.

Computers are evil. Plain and simple. I'm just waiting for the day when a computer kills someone by driving them mad enough to kill themselves. They do it on purpose you know, inconveniencing you.

Not booting right spontaneously. Crashing only 3 frames into a render. Fragmenting all your files on their evil, evil hard drives. Its all a part of their nature. And we want to integrate these things into our lives? Have them control our refrigerators and lights? They already have our sprinkler systems, our horticulture is at their mercy, don't give them power over spoiling our food or spraying us with crushed ice! We would live as cavemen, afraid of the light or to leave our caves of wood and plaster.

I only admire evil when it goes my way. This, this thing the computers do - not helping. My box only learned this lesson after some inventive cursing and swift kicks to the case. Don't let technology get the upper hand, let it feel the back of yours.

For more insights into my goings on, visit my Live Journal

Or if you feel a need to contact the writer, just Email Me

FILLER! 12/08/04


Today you may or may not see a filler in place of the comic. If you don't, ignore this and go about your business. Move along, move along...

If you do, don't worry it'll be moved as soon as the next comic is finished. We just wanted to have something there in the usual update time rather than nothing.

Email Me

Funny stuff 12/01/04


I've noticed that writing comedy is not easy. You may think of something funny, and its maybe funny to you and your friends, but trying to translate exactly what made 'it' funny into a joke for, say, a comic is difficult at best. To that end, I've more or less given up on trying to purposefully write a comic into a joke finale. Instead, I just write what needs to get the story across, and move on. If I think of something amusing to put in there while I'm working, I'll include it. But my thinking process just won't let me get around a joke sometimes.

Don't get me wrong; I like a joke as much as the next person. In fact I find the visual humor in web comics as some of the most hilarous material I see on a day to day basis. Its just not me. Fortunately for us, the artist can usually find a way to work something in there to keep things upbeat. He'll never let things get to dreary.

Leave it to me, and I'll have you scrounging for some Prozac or your anti-depressant of choice.

As a parting thought, don't forget to swing by the forums if you have any thoughts, concerns, or questions about Yosh! and its happenings. Sage and I are pretty good at responding to posts, so you won't have to wait long for a response. Plus, there's always new people to meet and check out new things there.

Email me Email Me

Well that's done with. 11/22/04


Well final project is over with now, and my schedule returns to normal (more or less). A few short weeks from now and I'll be done with school, looking for work (and a place to live).

Amazing what marathon lab seesions can teach you about yourself. Like, how little sleep you can function on, exactly how much you need to eat to survive, plus just how quickly you can churn out a piece for your project. It may seem excessive, but its not far from real working conditions. Can't wait.

So about the comic. Proceeding as planned, and don't worry, you ninja fans out there, I haven't forgotton about you.

Alex Petersen Email Me

Your hate only makes me stronger. 11/04/04


Yeah I got a bit of the food poisoning this past weekend, but I'm over it for the most part. And if you don't like my long winded story-driven comics, then tough nuts! There'll be humor and such along the way, I said as much. And actually its tough to write talky comics with only 4 panels. So if you have a problem with the story, email me, not that guy <<<, its not his fault. Although he may tweek dialogue, the meat and potatoes of the comic comes from my addled brain.

In other news, Riddick comes out in a couple weeks, yay! If you haven't seen it, give it a try. Probably the most decent piece of science fiction i've seen in a long time. Only drawback to it is Vin Diesel, I know a lot of you dislike that guy, but he plays the role well.

Alex Petersen Email Me

Rantings of a madman 11/04/04


Well here it is, the spout of the other twisted mind to influence your imagination. The man behind the curtain pulling levers and pushing buttons. The puppeteer of all that - I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. You may have noticed over the last few weeks a name gracing the bottom far right of each comic. That would be me. You may know me better as Axel, the Darklord, or that weirdo in the coat. For a little while now, I've been guiding the story elements of Yosh! in a more logical direction of events. Less 'joke of the day' and more 'story of the month.' And starting next week will begin the main course, a concoction between myself and the artist (<---that guy). If you've come to enjoy all the humor and comedy offered so far, don't worry, that won't leave, but maybe presented in a different form. I'll keep this short for now. Enjoy the comic, and if you have any questions, comments, praises, or just outright bad things to say about the storyline, send me an email.

Alex Petersen Email Me